
A pediatrician encompasses qualities of a medical detective, a counselor, and a healer. There is an element of intrigue in searching for signs and symptoms of diseases and solving diagnostic dilemmas. This is especially true with infants who can’t verbally assist the physician to identify the location of their problem. Pediatricians do a great deal of parent counseling as they teach them to become advocates for their children. Pediatricians serve as counselors for children in the battle against obesity, youth violence, and unintentional injuries.Somali Sudanese Specialized Hospital provides you excellent and affordable medical care General Pediatric Department The Paediatric Team provides medical input to patients across the hospital to support and improve care for children and young adults. At middle east hospital we bring extraordinary dedication ,skill and expertise care to children. A team that works together flawlessly , with one goal in mind . HEALING CHILDREN AS QUICKLY AND HAPPILY AS POSSIBLE. We have clinical care tailored to the needs of children and their families. We care for the whole family , and spend time listening , answering questions and taking the time to make treatment options clear and understandable. We believe in providing excellent patient care

Our Services :

  • Antenatal Counseling
  • Neonatal Screening
  • Intensive Care of Newborn Baby.
  • Special care baby unit.
  • Treatment of all general, pediatric conditions.
  • Comprehensive pediatric practice
  • Diabetic blowup care.
  • Counseling about breastfeeding, Supplement feeding, weening.
  • Immunization
  • Nutrition and growth monitoring
  • Asthma follow up and care
  • 24 hours clinical service
  • Treatment of Newborn Babies With Jaundice With Photo-therapy.
  • Resuscitation of newborns in the delivery room and follow-up.


We provide the highest possible standard of care and treatment in a professional and compassionate manner to every person who avails of our services” and Our medical specialists are certified medical specialist, PHD holders in their field of specializations, with experience rage of 7-40 years

Meet Our Doctors

Dr Motwakil Ibrahim Taha Albashir

BDS, FCPS (Hons), PhD (Japan)


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Dr-Omer EL shareaf

BDS, FCPS (Hons), PhD (Japan)

consultant pediatrician and pediatric

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